Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The first few workdays...

This week has already few by fast. Due to a large amount of things to do, I didn't have a lot of time to write so the following are making up for the past few days.


Sunday was an early morning because I was still experiencing jet lag. After forcing myself to stay in bed for a while to get used to the idea of waking up at a later time, I went to a Lutheran church service. I was a minority in this service. There were approximately 30 people present and about 10 of them were caucasian. The rest of the people were Eskimos. Due to the large portion of Eskimos, we had a prayer and the doxology in one of the local native tongues. The doxology is as follows

Koo yuk loo God Ega you tay a goon (Praise God from all blessings flow)

Koo yuk loo O mah roet mah ah nee (Praise Him all creatures here below)

Koo yuk lo puk mah nie noo nah me e toh wak ( Praise him above ye heavenly host)

Koo yuk loo ah tah tahm Kit oon nagah lit koo sik. AMEN. (Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost)

After church, I talked to some of the people in the fellowship hall for about an hour. I met a man named Robert (he called himself Don Don). He' a 52 year old native who was telling me about a store he works at called Chukotka. Though it has primarily Russian merchandize, the little trailer serves as a tourist store with Alaskan souveniors. After looking in the store and getting some post cards, I walked down town and went in a few other gift shops and the visitor center. Everyone is so friendly! Every place I went, I was stopped to talk for at least 20 minutes. Later that night, we went to see Star Trek at the Subway/movie theater. When we walked out of the movie theater at midnight, we could see the sun still blinding us. The picture above is of what we sall when we came out of the theater at midnight.
Today was my first day of work. I spent most of the day sitting in other people's shows on the air. I also got to sit in and watch my boss, Ric, perform my time slot. I had my own desk on the second floor with a great view of the tundra. I was able to read some information on Bush Alaska and I went over the rules and procedures of KNOM. Some of the articles the station has of local villages are amazing. There was one journal about a man who went from a big city to a village off the coast of Alaska. He talked about how the people live day to day and barily makes ends-meet. Later that night, the volunteer house made a family dinner with all 5 of us (plus jeff makes 6). After dinner, we walked out on the beach. The shore was covered in flat patches of ice. We started climbing on them as if it was a playground. We climbed as far as it was safe on them. Some of them went out pretty far and others broke in half as we were standing on them. We were hanging out on the ice til about midnight.

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